Retort Food Series #209 Aluminum Peel Off End



Brand : BNM Aluminium Peel Off End with Aluminium Foil
Size:#209 (62.5mm)
Ring Material:Aluminium
Membrane Material:Aluminium Foil
Function:Retortable/retort food/ canned fish/ canned meat/ canned soup

Advantage:BNM offer size from 113 / 209 / 211 /300 / 307 / 401 / 502. BNM is the only transparent peel off end manufacturer in China. We produce the transparent membrane from our sister company. We have more than 30 years flexible food packaging film research and development experience. We know the technical knowhow. We understand your needs. We provide the best products for you.

For more peel off lid information, please contact our team.

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